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Skidperfect Utilities


FC Text-Picture 1.1.3
Freeware - 1993-1995
FC Text-Picture converts pictures and icons into stylized text. This is useful if you want to include a small image in a place that you normally couldn't (ie. any standard Mac text box). Popular uses of this program include SimpleText documents, Macromedia's Director text fields, and online programs like FirstClass and eWorld.

This was my first widely popular application. I originally wrote it in 1993 so I could put pictures inside my FirstClass personal information. People found it to be useful on other online systems too, like eWorld, so it spread quite fast back then.

Awards: Received an honorable mention in MacUser's 1996 HandsOn shareware awards (and also got 5 mice in their Mac Download reviews). Runner up for the shareware of the year award in the June 1996 MacWorld magazine.

Reviews: Ezine30-3 Big-Sky Mac User Group (B-smug).

All original 1800 lines of THINK Pascal source code are publically available for your enjoyment.

Function Keys (FKEYs): 

About FKEYs

FKEYs are small system programs that are run by pressing Command (Apple key) + Shift + number (0-9). For the last decade the Mac OS has come with four FKEYs built in: numbers 1 to 4, leaving slots 5 through 9 and 0 free for other programs. Below are some FKEYs that you may want to add to your system.

The following FKEYs come in two forms: an Installer and a Font Suitcase. The Installer will copy the FKEY in into your active System file and allow you to set the id number. If you don't want to modify your System, you can choose to install the FKEY by dropping the Font Suitcase into your Fonts folder (or onto the closed System Folder icon). If you want to configure the id number though, you'll have to use a resource editor such as ResEdit before you do this. Full THINK Pascal source code is included with each of the FKEYs below. The Installers source code is also available.


System Extensions (INITs):

Close It! 1.0
Freeware - 2.June.95
Provides a nifty way of closing windows. With this extension installed, holding down the command and control keys while clicking on a window will close it. Also, if the window belongs to an application that is not in front, you will be returned to the front process.

Note: this functionality has been integrated into my Control Strip Module Terminator Strip adding the ability to configure the modifier keys. Full THINK C source code is included.


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